
Filters: FilterTernary | FilterExpression | null | boolean

Filters can be used to change which features in a layer are rendered. Filters can be applied to a layer by the setLayerFilters method on the Felt controller.


The possible operators are:

  • lt: Less than

  • gt: Greater than

  • le: Less than or equal to

  • ge: Greater than or equal to

  • eq: Equal to

  • ne: Not equal to

  • cn: Contains

  • nc: Does not contain

The allowed boolean operators are:

  • and: Logical AND

  • or: Logical OR


// a simple filter
  layerId: "layer-1",
  filters: ["AREA", "gt", 30_000],

// compound filters can be constructed using boolean logic:
  layerId: "layer-1",
  filters: [["AREA", "gt", 30_000], "and", ["COLOR", "eq", "red"]]

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