
Unexpected value or type

Problem: One of the values set in the style has an unsupported value or an invalid type.

Solution: Change the value to be valid.

Error messages:

  • Attribute 'displayName' on a legend item of type simple must be a string.

  • Attribute attribute_name is not a number.

  • Attribute attribute_name is not a string.

  • Attribute 'lineCap’ is not a supported value. Supported values are butt, round, square.

  • Attribute 'lineJoin’ is not a supported value. Supported values are bevel, round, miter.

  • Attribute ‘dashArray’ has to be a two-numbers array.

  • Attribute 'offset' must be either an array of numbers or a number.

  • Attribute 'placement' contains a not supported value. Supported values are N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, Center.

  • Attribute 'placement' contains a not supported value. Supported values are Above, Center, Below.

  • All values in 'labelAttribute' must be a string.

  • Visualization 'type' definition must be one of simple, categorical.

  • Attribute 'showOther' must be one of above, below.

Categorical visualization not working

Problem: The style defines a categorical visualization, but the maps are not showing the layer

Error messages:

  • Categories required. A categories array must be defined in the config block when defining a categorical visualization. Read more about categorical visualizations here.

  • Not enough or too many attribute_name values. When defining a categorical visualization, all style and label properties must be an array with either a single value that will apply to all categories or an array with as many values as categories defined in the config block. Read more about categorical visualizations here.

Last updated